Design Concern Table

The design concern table below indicated the different criteria and requirements based on our survey and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

Requirement: The minimum value that the design must achieved.


Design Concern Categories Design Concerns Assessment Measures
Definition Requirement
Physical Lightweight Weight (lbs)
Maximum Extended Height Height (in) 20
Maximum Collapsed Height Height (in) 12
Doesn’t Sink into semi-hard surface Base Surface Area (in.^2)
Top Plate Size Area (in.^2)
Structural Adequate Strength Compression loading [1], ASME PASE 6-4.1.2 (lbs.) 4000
Adequate Stability Off-center compression loading [2], ASME PASE 6-4.1.1 (lbs.) 2000
Environmental UV Resistance Strength retained following 72 hours (3 days) of UV exposure (ASTM G154, followed by ASTM D3410) (%) 95
Water Resistance Strength retained following 72 hours (3 days) of water submersion (ASTM D3410) (%) 95
Human Engineering Ease of Use Time to adjust height (mins) (Related measure: number of steps to adjust height)
Life Cycle Warranty Warranty Life [3] (yrs) 1
Price Affordable Cost plus profit margin of 20% ($) 175



[1] Compression loading:

[2] Off-center compression loading:

[3] Warranty life:

The warranty life specifies the time frame in which the manufacturer or seller commits to repair, replace, or address any defects or problems that arise with the product, typically without any additional cost to the consumer.