In order to ensure the final design held up to the standards outlined in the Design Concerns Table, we performed several qualification tests. Before all the tests were completed, a visual inspection was completed on the treestand.
These tests included a Bolted Assembly Test, Coefficient of Friction Test, Water Test, Freezing Test, and Weight Capacity Test. Each test was conducted at room temperature. The Weight Capacity Test was conducted to follow ASTM F3249-20 for Standard Specification for Treestands, Climbing Sticks, and Tripod or Tower Stands.

The following visual defects were observed on the treestand depending on the part.

Applicable Design Requirements:
• Load withstood: Ability to withstand a load of 300 lbf. When loaded in tension, or the rated load capacity.
Test Procedure:
• Equipment:
o INSTRON load frame
• Fixturing/Support Conditions:
o Fixed in grips at the ends
o Pieces will be attached via a bolted connection.
• Loading/Environmental Conditions:
o Test will be conducted at room temperature.
o Load will be applied in tension in the longitudinal direction.
• Data to be Obtained:
o The maximum applied load after pieces have been bolted together.

Coefficient of Friction
Applicable Design Requirements:
• Ability of the floor of the stand to exhibit a coefficient of friction of at least 0.5.
Test Procedure
• Equipment:
o INSTRON load frame
• Fixturing/Support Conditions:
o Stand fixed in all directions
• Loading/Environmental Conditions:
o Test will be conducted at room temperature.
o Load will be pulled across the surface in the longitudinal direction.
• Data to be Obtained:
o The maximum coefficient of friction achieved over the duration of the test.

Tensile Testing
Applicable Design Requirements:
• Tensile tested to 95% of the control values for applied force of a filament wound face sheet.
Test Procedure
• Equipment:
o INSTRON load frame
• Fixturing/Support Conditions:
o Fixed in grips at the ends
• Loading/Environmental Conditions:
o Test will be conducted at room temperature.
o Load will be applied in tension in the longitudinal direction.
o Specimen will be submerged in water or exposed to freezing temperatures prior to testing. After at least 24 hours of being allowed to absorb water or freeze, the specimen will be tested.
• Data to be Obtained:
o The maximum applied load after being submerged in water or exposed to freezing temperatures.

Weight Capacity Test
Applicable Design Requirements:
• Withstands a force of 600 lbf, or double the reated load capacity of 300 lbs.
Test Procedure
• Equipment:
o INSTRON load frame
• Fixturing/Support Conditions:
o A partial tree will be attached in a vertical orientation to a vertical support to simulate a real tree. The stand will then be attached to the tree using the designated fastening.
• Loading/Environmental Conditions:
o Test will be conducted at room temperature.
o Load will be placed at the furthest point from the tree on the floor, with the load increasing until failure or an obtained load of 600 lbf.
• Data to be Obtained:
o The force withstood will be recorded.
o The maximum displacement will be recorded.

Updated 4/24