Friday, June 24
10:00am-12:00pm (Minnesota Marine Art Museum)
The Minnesota Marine Art Museum will be hosting open hours for iDMAa Conference attendees.
12:00pm: Kick Off Event: Margaret Dolinsky, “Winona’s Way” (Minnesota Marine Art Museum)
2:30-3:00: Opening Plenary: Margaret Dolinsky (SLC 120, Winona State University/Zoom)
3:30-5:00: Artist Talks (SLC 120, Winona State University/Zoom) [Abstracts]
Jennifer Gradecki & Derek Curry, “Infodemic”
Amay Kataria, “A Symbiotic Passage”
Stephanie Tripp, “Home, Unstaged”
6:30-8:00: EXHIBITION OPENING (Laird Norton Center for Art and Design, 125 W 5th St, Winona)
Saturday, June 25
9:00-10:30: Artist Talks (SLC 120, Winona State University/Zoom [Abstracts]
Giovanna Sun,”Trance Utopia”
Merit Thursday, “When I buried myself by the creek”
Yamin Xu, “Iris”
10:45-12:15: Scholarly Session (SLC 120, Winona State University, Zoom) [Abstracts]
Betsy Pike & Michael Lee: “Students play with NDI technology: A case study of live-streaming SuperParty @ Ball State University”
Josie Cutrara, “Blank-xious Space”
Jon Heggestad: “Film’s Queer Parenthesis”
10:45-12:15: Screening: COVID E-LIT: Digital Art During the Pandemic, with Producer, Scott Rettberg (Stark 103, Winona State University/Zoom) [Abstract]
12:15-1:30: Break
12:15-1:30: Weird Arcade, Hacking Game Interfaces Student Demos (CDM Media Lab, Phelps B 14, Winona State University)
12:00pm: Margaret Dolinsky, “Winona’s Way” (Minnesota Marine Art Museum)
1:30-3:00: Scholarly Session (SLC 120, Winona State University/Zoom) [Abstracts]
Melinda White, “Multimodal Fringe: visionaries of e-lit and digital art”
Patrick Lichty, “Not Really Like Being There: Veracity and the Image in the Age of Deepfakes”
Kristen Lillvis, “Identity, Collaboration, and Ownership in AI Art”
3:00-4:30: Rob Wittig: Netprov Playsession: Lifecycle of a Web Fad (SLC 120, Winona State University/Zoom) [Abstract]
6:00-7:00: KEYNOTE: Stephanie Boluk and Patrick Lemieux (SLC 120, Winona State University/Zoom)
8:00-???: Performance and Party, Broken World Records
9:00 John C.S. Keston and Mike Hodnick, “SYNTAX”
10:00 Swashbuckler
Sunday, June 26
9:30-11:00: Daniel Lichtman: “The Community Game-Development Toolkit Workshop” (SLC 120, Winona State University/Zoom) [Abstract]
9:30-11:00: Panel: Strange love: emotionally-significant relationships between human and artificial companions. (Stark 103, Winona State University/Zoom) [Abstract]
Valeria Lopez Torres
Alexis Elder
Daniel Estrada
11-12:30: Wrap Up Session (SLC 120, Winona State University/Zoom [Abstracts]
Chris Blair, “From the Militantly Marginal to Weird Media: The progression of IDMAA conference themes and the evolution of digital education in the academy, 2003–2022”
Davin Heckman, “iDMAa’s Future”
Exhibition hours:
Friday, June 24 6:30-9pm
Saturday, June 25, 1:00pm-8:00pm
Sunday, June 26, 1:00pm-5:00pm
After June 26, by appointment. Contact
to schedule a visit.