Below is a picture of our final design and a list of all the materials and purchased parts.

The Stride Warrior Lite was successfully manufactured. The structure of the final design consisted mostly of filament-wound carbon fiber tubes, though it also included a sandwich panel seat and 3D-printed connectors. The 3D printed connectors used a nylon/carbon fiber material. 

The final design includes a custom seat cushion to add extra comfort, as well as optional cane holder clips. The walker passed all required ISO/ASTM standards for Medicare-supported mobility devices.




– Carbon Fiber/Epoxy

– Foam Core

-Nylon/Carbon Fiber

Purchased Parts: 

– Wheels

– Seat Cushion

– Cane Holder Clips

– Rubber Feet



Pictured below is the final assembly CAD drawing.

Last Updated 4/23/2023