Outline of Training Objectives and Associated Activities/Plan

1.Describe the requirements to qualify for “Approved Supervisor” status under the Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy and cultural implications of supervision.
    • Review of BBHT requirements and application forms for Approved Supervisor status.
2. Explain “All supervision is multicultural supervision” (ACES, 2019, p. 8) and its implications. 2. Articulate the concept of competence, both clinical and high multicultural competence, in the process of supervision face-to-face and in Telehealth supervision.
    • Review of BBHT requirements for Approved Supervisor status.
    • Review of MN DHS telehealth requirements.
    • Define gatekeeping and its role in supervision.
    • Complete Supervisor Performance Assessment Inventory (SPAI; Fall & Sutton, 2004).
3. Describe the role and responsibilities of a supervisor with effective multicultural competence and using a multicultural orientation in supervision.
    • Review of BBHT requirements of supervisors in licensure application forms application forms for LPCC.
    • Review of CLAS, MCO, and MSJCC.
    • Review of Best Practices in Multicultural Supervision in Counseling.
    • Supervisor Performance Assessment Inventory (SPAI; Fall & Sutton, 2004)
4. Apply ethical principles and multicultural supervision principles from both a clinical and multicultural competence perspective.
    • Review of BBHT requirements of supervisors in licensure application forms application forms for LPCC (including record keeping).
    • Review of BBHT Code of Conduct and American Counseling Association Code of Ethics (2014). Review of Best Practices in Multicultural Supervision in article and ACES Best Practices in Clinical Supervision guidelines.
    • Overview of ethical complaints in supervision.
    • Videos of supervisor addressing potential ethical concerns regarding supervisee performance and evaluations.
    • Role plays of feedback and evaluation.
5. Describe and employ multicultural supervision techniques, including those from multiculturally-focused models of supervision, and strategies, including advocacy, that facilitate positive supervision outcomes and relationships.
    • Lecture on the above models, techniques, and strategies (including multicultural supervision models: Counselor Developmental Model, World-View Congruence Triadic Model, & Multicultural Social Justice Counselor Competency)
    • Videos of supervisor addressing potential ethical concerns regarding supervisee performance and evaluations.
    • Role-playing of feedback and evaluation sessions in counseling supervision.
    • Group discussion of examples of ineffective supervision experiences and ways to modify these interactions to be more effective and culturally competent.
6.Demonstrate critical thinking skills to conceptualize supervisory events and processes from both a general clinical perspective and, more specifically, a multicultural perspective.
    • Demonstrate critical thinking skills to conceptualize supervisory events and processes from both a general clinical perspective and, more specifically, a multicultural perspective.
    • Role-playing of critical incidents sessions in counseling supervision.
7. Demonstrate using broaching and racial trauma assessments, when appropriate, as part of supervising with high multicultural competence from a multicultural orientation.
    • Define broaching.
    • Review of Broaching as a Strategy for Intercultural Understanding in Clinical Supervision counseling article.
    • Modeling and broaching role play.
    • Mini-lecture on racial stress and trauma & applicable assessments.
8. Articulate a personal theory of supervision, define their personal supervision style, analyze their current supervision process and development needs, and articulate a plan for their continued development as a supervisor and their cultural implications.
    • Recap on issues addressed.
    • Group discussion and participants’ takeaways.
    • Final day recap with participants sharing their personal model for multicultural supervision and their plan for continued development as a supervisor with high multicultural competence using a multicultural orientation.
    • USB with documents from the training given to participants.
    • Reminder to complete the evaluation of our training and obtaining their certificate of completion for 45-hours of supervision training.