Because a female tool was desired to give the final product a better surface finish, a male plug was initially fabricated. This plug was made out of primed base board.

Using this tool a female mold was constructed that was used to create both sides of the sawhorse. The mold was constructed of chopped E-glass fiber and epoxy resin. Bondo and polyurethane were used to fix any imperfection and give a smoother finished surface. After waxing the mold, initial layers of woven E-glass fabric was laid down before the foam core was inserted. Several more layer of fabric were laid on before the entire mold was weighted down to cure. This was repeated for the other side of the sawhorse.

After the two sides were completed they were joined together using two 3-D printed hubs and a 1/4″ steel rod on each side of the sawhorse. Hooks were added to the inner side of each leg for attaching chains that keep the legs from splaying excessively. The hubs and hooks were affixed using layers of E-glass fiber and epoxy resin.