WSU Design Program

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply to the Design Program?

For new students, apply to Winona State University and declare your major as I–Design or Graphic Design. Then, as a Sophomore, apply to the I–Design or Graphic Design program. For more details, see our admissions page here.

What equipment will I need?

In addition to the University laptop program Design students at no additional cost have 24/7 access to a high–tech facility which includes a Digital Computer Lab with the latest design software and a Design Production Lab with state–of–the–art equipment. The Design Program is located on the first and second floor of Watkins Hall, adjacent to Gildemeister, Pasteur and Shepard Halls and Science Laboratory Center. The facilities include a Design Computer Lab and a Design Production Lab with access to Mac computers and a range of input and output devices including scanners, cameras, a large format plotter and vinyl cutter, 3D printer, laser cutter and engraver, and a full print service digital press. Each computer station includes current versions of design and multimedia software. Design Computer Lab is located on the second floor of Watkins Hall in room 213. This facility is equipped with 3 six–core Mac Pro units paired with Wacom Cintiq 22HD tablets and Dell monitors, 6 iMac units paired with Wacom Cintiq Pro 13 units and 6 quad–core Mac Pro units paired with Wacom Cintiq 22HD tablets and Dell monitors. Each station includes current versions of design, motion, digital imaging, web, sound, video and animation software. Design Production Lab is located on the first floor of Watkins Hall in room 114. This facility is equipped with openwork small and large format cutting and assembly area for prototyping and production, state of the art digital press with 5th channel (transparent and white capabilities), 2 3D printers for sculptural and prototyping exploration and work, 42” large-format inkjet printer, 23” vinyl cutter, 24” laser cutter and engraver with rotary capabilities, heat press, sewing and textile production tools, and wide selection of hardware tools. This hybrid fabrication lab and maker space provide design students a supportive high–end environment for pursuing a wide variety of creative solutions. This facility is equipped with 8 computer stations with dual monitor capabilities loaded with cutting-edge software to assist design students in their production journey.

Are there student design clubs?

Yes, the AIGA Winona student group is excited to welcome new students to our club. We are a club that focuses on learning more about design and designing for good.

The goal of the student groups is to get the student involved in the local design community, create a community of their own and help them build leadership skills that will be valuable as they move into the professional world. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram for more information on our current projects.

Who will I be learning from?
Chun Lok Mah, Associate Professor of Design

Head of Design Programs
Mah is an inter-disciplinary designer. His professional experiences include software engineering, computer networking, multimedia production, web technology, visual design, digital media, and interactive design. Prior to teaching, Mah has worked with IBM, US-Robotics, 3COM, and Krakatua Sdn. Bhd. Mah’s current research and interests include visual cognition, user experience and user experience design, creative identity formation, and integrative thinking solutions.

Danilo Bojic, Assistant Professor of Design

As a native Serbian, born and raised in Belgrade, Danilo has earned his BFA in Graphic Communications and BA in Art History from the University of Houston in 2009. In 2012, Danilo has successfully defended his thesis and holds an MFA Degree in Graphic Communications from the University of Houston. In his research practice, Danilo engages the questions of enticing shifts in perception and the influence of contemporary society and culture on our visual cognition. His goal is to investigate the ability to visually communicate at different speeds and to create different levels of cognition through the factors of acceleration and construction of messages that raise consciousness, sensitivity and conviction. The focal interest of Danilo’s design practice is in identity and brand development where he has done a significant body of work on a local and regional level in Europe. In his teaching practice, Danilo is committed to transforming the traditional design curriculum in order to expand the level of understanding of core and advance theoretical principles while utilizing historical and contemporary knowledge to enhance the learning experience.

What is the junior portfolio review?


To allow third-year students the benefits of an all-faculty evaluation of their work, irrespective of performance in individual classes. Secondly, to provide the faculty with a tool for evaluating the effectiveness of the curriculum, and to guide the student’s progress during their final year of study.

Students will present for review a portfolio of their work together with a completed Student Information Form. Majors MUST participate in the review. Only those who have participated will be considered for inclusion in next year’s Select Senior Shows.

It is recommended that Design Students take ART 350 Junior Portfolio zero-credit class in the Spring semester of their Junior year. Please consult your Design Academic Advisor in advance. 


Each Semester, October and March

Juniors Participating

I-Design and Graphic Design students who expect to graduate one full year from the semester of the review.

Sign Up Sheet

So that we may arrange to accommodate all those students participating, please place your name on the sign-up sheet in the Art Office.

Information Packet

This includes 1) the timetable and instructions, 2) the student information form, which includes items such as courses taken and credits accumulated, and 3) a Sample Evaluation Form that each faculty will complete. Following the review, students will consult their advisors regarding the results of the evaluations and faculty recommendations. A copy of the comments will be provided to each participant.

Content of Portfolio

Approximately twelve pieces representing your best work. Include several recent drawings, examples from your elective sequence(s) or Design classes. Photographs as well as pieces from other courses that illustrate the range and strengths of your work. Consult with your advisors and instructors as to which works to include.

What about internships?

We have several internship opportunities offered each semester, see more information here.

Is financial aid available?

Financial aid is money provided to help bridge the gap between your own resources and the amount of money needed to pay for the cost of attending Winona State University. The primary responsibility for meeting the cost of education rests with the student and family to the extent they are able to pay. Most financial aid at Winona State is awarded on the basis of need, although some are awarded in recognition of merit and achievement. Some aid is gift aid (grant and scholarship), some you must earn (college work-study), and some is in the form of long-term loans designed to extend the financing of your education beyond the years of enrollment.

Art Department awards are drawn from among the following scholarships: Dorothy and Mo Weber, Max Weber, Thomas E. Mauszycki, E. L. King, Ruth SeverudFish, Floretta Murray and Winona National Bank. The Art & Design Faculty makes the awards on the basis of a portfolio review, which takes place in late March or early April of each year. The faculty may invite a student to compete for a scholarship.

  • First years, sophomores, juniors, and seniors are eligible, and some scholarships have minimum GPA requirements. Award amounts range from $400 to $1,000 and most are renewable.
  • If you were awarded an Art Scholarship for the current year and wish to be considered for next year, complete a “Scholarship Renewal Form” and see the Art & Design Department Chairperson for further instructions.
  • A single application is used for all the scholarships.
  • Awards will be granted on the basis of the scholarship(s) for which the applicant is eligible.
  • Students may receive more than one award.
  • Instructions for submitting a portfolio and a timetable are included in each application.
What if I need help in the lab?

Lab Assistants are available to help you operate the equipment in the production lab. You can make an appointment with them on the booking calendar Wi********************@Mi*******.edu /bookings/s/uOy5AD8x00GiFnqbiCkV-w2″>here.